How To Make Cauliflower Easy Potato Cauliflower Cooking Recipe

Cauliflower English Recipe How To Cook Cauliflower

Potato and Cauliflower Vegetable Recipe

Spicy Potato and Cauliflower Recipe

Ingredients :-

Cauliflower : One big flower

Potatoes : Half Kg
Fenugreek : I Tsp
Tomatoes : 2 ( Big)
Red Chili Flakes : 1.5 Tablespoon or to Taste
Salt : To Taste
Oil : Half Cup

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Potato Cauliflower Recipe Cauliflower Vegetable Making Method :-

Heat the oil in a low flame. Add fenugreek when aroma arises, put cauliflowers and potatoes in it. Fry well the vegetables. Add tomatoes some salt and red chili flakes. stir for a while and then add some water. leave them until the vegetables tender and oil gets separate. sprinkle coriander leaves and some green chilies. serve it with flatbread. Please share your views about my 2nd recipe you can simply tell me by clicking the following boxes.
