Special Moroccan Avocado Smoothie/Milkshake | Jus d'avocat Marocain

Moroccan Avocado Milkshake

Avocado Moroccan Smoothie


Avocados : 2
Sugar : To taste
Milk : 1/2 Cup/ 2 Cup
Hazelnuts : As you like
Cashew-nuts : As you like
Sweet raisins : As you like
Almonds : As you like

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first you need 2 avocados cut them into half and open slowly. Smack the knife twist and remove that seed blender scoop the flesh out of those avocados slide that spoon in nice and clean sugar to taste because i don't want to give you diabetes one and half cup of milk if you like it think or two cups for a slight thickness go with this baby up and lock into place blend until nice and smooth. done! pour this into a dessert glass I really like the thickness on this finish this off it's shaved hazelnuts cashew nuts and sweet raisins also some almonds if you like or I guess i'm gonna try this beautiful avocado milkshake looks delicious wow mmm so fresh wow all those nuts you know take this is amazing makes you enjoy so freshly so delicious trust me.
